Thursday, March 3, 2016



One of the biggest Christmas market in the UK would be in Lincoln. So, I've made a day trip with my friends there. It's an old town which reminds me of York alot. 


My first concern upon arrival is always food. I need my brunch first before anything. So we've done some research of good brunch which was on the way before we go uphill to the Christmas market. 



We decided on the timber-framed building on an ancient bridge serving British classics and Stokes' own tea and coffee - Stocks High Bridge Cafe

This cafe is actually famous with their cakes and their famous teas and freshly roasted coffees, which is sourced locally in Lincoln. This traditional cafe is near Lincoln's High Bridge which is one of the oldest bridge in the UK ( I googled it , lol) with buildings around it. 



Overlooking the busy High Street and River Witham.


Chicken pate was so good but I was only offered a piece of bread. I think two pieces of bread should be standard. A piece is not enough to go with this awesome chicken pate.



Classic Christmas combination.



On the way down to get my coffee.




This traditional cafe serves freshly roasted coffee which produced locally. Compared to coffee, many prefer tea from Stokes. I gave that up because I desperately needed my caffeine fix. 

I ordered a large Cappucino. Normally a regular one will do but something in me was screaming for a large one - and I made the best choice ever. There is a difference between fresh beans and beans that have been kept for long. The aroma that the cup of coffee give out is different. They are mild but the scent they give out is so strong. 
to be honest, I've never gotten something like that before. 

Undoubtedly, it was good. 





River Witham




Lincoln's gem.


Steep Hill.
Walking towards the Christmas market on top was tiring but the view was worth it.


Happy with my cuppa.


Is it just me or I really do take gloomy pictures?


Lincoln Cathedral. 






It's beautiful , isn't it?



I just realized that I did not take much pictures in the market. :( 

I think Lincoln is a good place to go if you are sick of the city. The whole town is historical , combined with great art and culture. Every little corner of the city have something to see - no matter it's graffiti on the wall or little independent boutique offering handcrafts. They are all mesmerizing. The town is not that big either so we can reach the main areas by foot. 

Steep Hill will be one of the highlight of the trip, where it connects the town at the bottom with crowded with people and shopping malls to uphill where the Christmas Market it. 
It was really steep. I was so tired by the time when I reach the Christmas Market but it was worth the walk. There is where you find art along the way. 


The story behind this picture is, we walked from the train station to the tesco to get Doritos even if our train is approaching soon. Well, Doritos was £1 so we just have to get them - three of them. One of them is in the bag lol


My babies and I. 


Lincoln was good. But I am a city person.