Thursday, March 28, 2019

While you are young .

I keep seeing articles and quotes about 'it's okay to not get your shit together in your twenties' on my news feed on facebook.

I am pretty done with those articles. I did read about articles with the similar content back then and realize that it did not make me feel better. Now I don't even bother. 

Yes, it is okay to not have your shit together at this age.
It is NOT okay to not work hard and try to get your shit together.

There are bad days, but it doesn't mean that anyone should stop working hard. Everyone deserves to let loose sometimes but it doesn't mean that we should only start dragging till we are 30s to change our lives. If you are unhappy with your life, work harder. If you are so done struggling, give yourself a short break instead of lying to yourself that it is normal to feel like a failure because, you are NOT a failure.

You CANNOT stop hustling and working on your goals just because you are tired. You may take a break but definitely not linger on that comfort zone for too long. 

Whenever I let my guards down and confess about how stressful I feel , it doesn't mean that I am giving up on what I want to do. I also didn't expect you to console me and tell me that ' it is okay to feel like a failure and have no achievement at this age' . Because I refuse to succumb to this. I want to work hard now and enjoy it later. 

So don't. 

Please don't let that kind of thoughts affect you, and make slow down your process. 

Everyone must have their own talent and something to offer. While feeling lost , go out and search. Find out what you are good at when you are young, find out what do you like - then go for it.

Because you are good , for someone , for something and also, deserve what you want.